Q: How does findthebest.lk work?
A: findthebest.lk connects students with top-quality teachers in Sri Lanka. Browse profiles, read ratings, and choose the ideal teacher based on grades, subjects, and locations.
Q: Can I trust the quality of teachers on findthebest.lk?
A: Absolutely. We vet teachers to ensure high standards. Transparent ratings from students help you make informed decisions.
Q: How do I search for a teacher?
A: Use our search feature to filter teachers by grades, subjects, and locations. Explore detailed profiles to find the perfect match for your learning needs.
Q: How do teacher ratings work?
A: Students can rate teachers from 1 to 5 stars based on their experiences. Teachers are prioritized based on these ratings, aiding your decision-making process.
Q: Can teachers showcase their expertise?
A: Yes, teachers can create detailed profiles showcasing their expertise and excellence. They can also publish class details directly on their profiles.
Q: Are there profiles for teaching institutes?
A: Yes, teaching institutes can create profiles, providing comprehensive overviews of their services and affiliated teachers.
Q: How do teachers and institutes activate their profiles?
A: To activate profiles, teachers and institutes can choose from flexible subscription packages—1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or annual.
Q: Are there discounts on subscription packages?
A: Yes, keep an eye out for occasional discounts on subscription packages. Our marketing strategies may include special offers.
Q: Can teachers and institutes advertise on findthebest.lk?
A: Yes, teachers and institutes can feature on website banners for a reasonable price, enhancing their visibility to potential students.
Q: Is my personal information secure on findthebest.lk?
A: Yes, we prioritize your privacy. Refer to our Privacy Policy for details on how we collect, use, and protect your information.
A: findthebest.lk connects students with top-quality teachers in Sri Lanka. Browse profiles, read ratings, and choose the ideal teacher based on grades, subjects, and locations.
Q: Can I trust the quality of teachers on findthebest.lk?
A: Absolutely. We vet teachers to ensure high standards. Transparent ratings from students help you make informed decisions.
Q: How do I search for a teacher?
A: Use our search feature to filter teachers by grades, subjects, and locations. Explore detailed profiles to find the perfect match for your learning needs.
Q: How do teacher ratings work?
A: Students can rate teachers from 1 to 5 stars based on their experiences. Teachers are prioritized based on these ratings, aiding your decision-making process.
Q: Can teachers showcase their expertise?
A: Yes, teachers can create detailed profiles showcasing their expertise and excellence. They can also publish class details directly on their profiles.
Q: Are there profiles for teaching institutes?
A: Yes, teaching institutes can create profiles, providing comprehensive overviews of their services and affiliated teachers.
Q: How do teachers and institutes activate their profiles?
A: To activate profiles, teachers and institutes can choose from flexible subscription packages—1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or annual.
Q: Are there discounts on subscription packages?
A: Yes, keep an eye out for occasional discounts on subscription packages. Our marketing strategies may include special offers.
Q: Can teachers and institutes advertise on findthebest.lk?
A: Yes, teachers and institutes can feature on website banners for a reasonable price, enhancing their visibility to potential students.
Q: Is my personal information secure on findthebest.lk?
A: Yes, we prioritize your privacy. Refer to our Privacy Policy for details on how we collect, use, and protect your information.